Link to pay your association dues online:
Management Company ID: 107
Association ID: GTR
Monthly Homeowners Association Dues Change:
- Effective January 1, 2015, the monthly association dues will increase to $18 per month.
- As the Board of Directors of the Greentree Homeowners Association, our job is to ensure that the association is able to operate within their means and also within the law. In 2010, there was a change in Ohio law that requires associations like ours to have their reserves fully funded. What this means to us…Greentree HOA had to do a reserve study to ensure that we collect enough dues and have enough money in our reserve account to fund all issues that may happen in the association. What do we need to plan for? Sidewalk repairs and replacement, repairs and maintenance at the community center and any other issues on any property that is owned by the Greentree Homeowners Association.
- What did we learn from this reserve study? We learned that we do not collect enough monthly to plan for the repairs in the future. The current $14.25 per month has been collected for over a decade with no increase. With the change in Ohio law, the Greentree Homeowners Association needs to increase the monthly dues to $18/month in order to be compliant with Ohio law and to be considered fully funded. This is done to ensure the HOA has enough money in reserves to fund any issues that may happen in the community on property owned by the Greentree HOA without charging special assessments.
- New coupon/billing books will be mailed in mid-December to all residents reflecting this change. Please make note of the change in address as we will be changing banks as well (see below).
Bank Change
- Effective, January 1, 2015, we will be changing banks for handling of association dues from Community Association Banc (Mutual of Omaha) to Alliance Association Bank. This change is being made to increase the reliability and efficiency to the association and convenience to the homeowner. Alliance allows you to establish a direct payment of HOA dues with the date that works best for you in addition to the option for credit card payments.
- Take note when the 2015 coupon books arrive as to the methods for making payments will change.
- If you have bill pay through your bank, you will need to change the amount and address.
- If you have a direct bank draft (set up through Reserve Realty / Mutual of Omaha), you will need to set up instructions directly through Alliance Association Bank. The last draft for Mutual of Omaha will be 12/10.
- If you use the payment coupons, you will only need to make note of the change in amount.
- Reminder, effective January 1, 2015, the monthly association dues increased to $18 per month.
- Reminder, effective January 1, 2015, we changed to Alliance Association Bank. Alliance allows you to establish a direct payment of HOA dues with the date that works best for you in addition to the option for credit card payments.
- Payment of dues is crucial to fund the maintenance of the common areas and the continued success of our community. Go to our website for more information about how to pay your dues via an online payment from a credit card or your bank. Dues can also be set up as a direct debit from your bank account.
- Greentree actively pursues delinquent homeowners. Through the Association's attorneys, Kaman & Cusimano, liens have been placed on these properties. The Association has also filed small claims lawsuits on delinquent owners, resulting in judgments in our favor. Judgments allow for garnishment of wages and freezing of assets to obtain collection.
- If you are delinquent, go online or contact Reserve Realty today to make your account current. Not paying your account in a timely manner will lead to hundreds of dollars in late fees and legal fees that you are liable for.